Competitively priced BIM Modelling / Guaranteed quality / Fast turnaround

Competitively priced BIM Modelling / Guaranteed quality / Fast turnaround

BIM Modelling for Product Manufacturers

Written by BIM Outsourcing
June 26, 2023

Building Information Modeling (BIM) has revolutionized the way building product manufacturers approach design and construction. With BIM modelling, manufacturers can enhance visualization and create accurate Revit families for products and foster better collaboration with design teams. In this blog post, we explore how BIM modelling for product manufacturers streamlines the design process through enhanced visualizations. We also explore how creating Revit families aids in accurate representation of products while enhancing data management.

We will discuss ways to drive collaboration and increase market visibility using Common Data Environments (CDE) and internal libraries respectively with regards to BIM Modelling for Product Manufacturers. Lastly, we'll examine the importance of adapting to UK's mandated NBS standards to stay competitive in today's digital landscape.

Table of Contents:

Streamlining Design Process

The adoption of BIM technology in the Architectural, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry has revolutionized design processes. This tool offers enhanced visualization capabilities that enable manufacturers to develop designs that are parametrically scalable and adaptable to various build spaces.

Enhanced Visualization through BIM Modelling

BIM modelling provides an advanced 3D representation of building products, allowing for detailed analysis and optimization before construction begins. With its enhanced visualisation, BIM modelling can detect potential problems or inefficiencies before construction starts, leading to fewer costly errors and quicker project completion. This not only reduces costly errors but also saves valuable time during project execution.

Early Presence on the Project

The value of an early presence in a construction project cannot be overstated, especially for building product manufacturers. This initial involvement allows them to not only provide their technical expertise and knowledge about their products but also establish a relationship of trust with clients. The aim is to transform downloads of BIM objects into purchases by offering precise solutions that meet the client's needs.

Creating Revit Families

In the world of Building Information Modelling (BIM), Revit families are a game-changer for product manufacturers. These digital representations serve as comprehensive databases, containing detailed information about products such as physical characteristics, visual attributes, and functional data. This makes them an invaluable resource for MEP contractors and design companies in the UK.

Using Revit Families for Product Representation

The power of Revit lies in its ability to create accurate 3D models that can be integrated into architectural designs seamlessly. Whether it's plant rooms or HVAC systems, every element is represented with precision and detail using these parametric objects known as 'families'. They allow manufacturers to showcase their products within virtual building environments before actual construction begins. BIM objects serve as digital representations of product manufacturers' offerings, providing accurate data and visual information within the BIM modeling process

This not only enhances visualization but also enables clash detection and coordination at early stages, reducing errors and rework during the construction phase. For instance, if there's any conflict between ductwork layout and structural elements like beams or columns, this can be detected easily through BIM modelling, saving time and cost.

Enhancing Product Data Management with Revit

Data management becomes significantly easier when using Revit families. Every family created contains specific data regarding its function, dimensions, material specifications, etc., making it easier to manage product information efficiently. Moreover, these families can be reused across multiple projects, reducing duplication efforts while maintaining consistency in representation.

  • Easier integration: With all necessary details embedded within each family object itself, including manufacturer-specific properties like model number or warranty period, integrating them into project plans becomes a much simpler process than traditional methods where separate schedules were needed for each item separately.
  • Better organization: Since all related components are grouped together under one family name, searching for required items from a large database gets quicker, and overall project documentation stays organized.
  • Faster updates: Any changes made to the parent object automatically reflect onto child instances, thus keeping everything up-to-date without needing manual intervention every time something changes.

To sum up, Revit families play a pivotal role in the modern AEC industry by providing better product representation along with efficient data management capabilities, which ultimately results in successful project delivery meeting client expectations on-time and within budget constraints due to reduced error rates thanks to the enhanced clash detection feature provided by BIM technology.

Driving Collaboration & Market Reach

The advent of BIM technology has not only transformed the design process but also significantly improved collaboration and market reach in the building services industry. One such innovation is the Common Data Environment (CDE), a digital platform that allows for efficient data management and effective communication among project teams.

Collaboration with Design Teams through CDE

A Common Data Environment (CDE), as defined by NBS, is an integral part of any BIM project. It serves as a single source of information for all stakeholders involved in a construction project, facilitating seamless collaboration between architects, engineers, contractors, and manufacturers. The CDE enables everyone on the team to access precise, up-to-date data which can result in fewer mistakes, lower rework expenses and speedier decision making.

  • Data Consistency: A common framework for all parties helps maintain consistency across different stages of the project lifecycle.
  • Better Communication: With real-time updates available to all members at any given time, miscommunication or misunderstandings can be avoided altogether.
  • Informed Decision Making: Having access to reliable data enables stakeholders to make informed decisions based on factual insights rather than assumptions or estimations.

Increasing Market Visibility using Internal Libraries

To further enhance their market reach within this digitally evolving landscape, product manufacturers are leveraging internal libraries - databases containing detailed information about each product they offer. These libraries serve as valuable resources for designers who need specific products during their design phase. By making these libraries readily accessible via platforms like National BIM Library, manufacturers can ensure their products are easily discoverable by potential customers, thereby increasing their visibility in the marketplace.

This proactive approach not only benefits manufacturers but also proves advantageous for MEP contractors and design companies seeking precise product details without having to spend excessive time researching online or contacting suppliers directly. Such ease-of-access ultimately results in more streamlined workflows leading towards successful completion of projects within stipulated timelines while adhering strictly to quality standards mandated by UK's National Building Specification (NBS).

Key Takeaway: 

BIM modelling for product manufacturers is driving collaboration and market reach in the building services industry. The use of Common Data Environment (CDE) ensures efficient data management, effective communication, and informed decision-making among project teams while internal libraries increase market visibility for manufacturers.

Adaptation to UK BIM Standards

The UK government took a significant step in 2016 by mandating Level 2 of the National Building Specification (NBS) standard for creating BIM content. This was a crucial move towards digitalization and modernization of the Architectural, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry.

Compliance with UK Mandated NBS Standard

This mandate not only ensures compliance but also pushes companies to stay competitive in this rapidly evolving digital landscape. The Digital Plan of Work, part of the NBS standards, provides a comprehensive process model that guides project teams from inception through completion. Adhering to the NBS standards ensures projects are compliant, efficient, and effective while maintaining data consistency across all stages.

  • Standardized Processes: The use of standardized processes reduces errors and omissions, which can lead to costly rework or delays.
  • Data Consistency: Data consistency is maintained across all stages, ensuring accurate information transfer between different stakeholders involved in a project.
  • Easier Collaboration: It facilitates easier collaboration among various parties, including architects, engineers, contractors, etc., thus improving overall project delivery timeframes.

Staying Competitive In Digital Landscape Through Adoption Of UK's Standards

In addition to regulatory compliance benefits offered by adopting these standards, there's also a significant competitive advantage at stake here. According to Dodge Data & Analytics survey results, about 65% of participants reported positive ROI from their investment in BIM technology. This indicates how crucial it is for AEC firms today - both big or small - to adapt quickly if they want to remain relevant within this ever-changing market scenario where innovation rules supreme.

  • Faster Project Delivery: BIM allows faster design changes leading to quicker approvals, thereby reducing overall project timelines significantly.
  • Error Reduction: Detailed visualization provided by BIM models helps identify potential issues early on, avoiding expensive fixes later during the construction phase.
  • Better Resource Management: BIM enables better resource allocation based on real-time data, providing cost savings opportunities throughout the lifecycle of a building.

The adoption and adaptation to these mandated standards will be key for MEP Contractors as well as other professionals within the AEC industry who wish to maintain competitiveness while complying with regulations simultaneously. 

FAQs in Relation to Bim Modelling for Product Manufacturers

What is BIM in manufacturing?

BIM, or Building Information Modelling, is a process that involves creating and managing digital representations of physical and functional characteristics of places. In manufacturing, it's used to simulate products before they're made.

What are the 5 levels of BIM?

The five levels of BIM are: Level 0 - Unmanaged CAD; Level 1 - Managed CAD; Level 2 - Managed 3D environment with data attached; Level 3 - Open collaboration between disciplines; and Level 4 - Full integration into lifecycle management.

What are the four stages of BIM?

The four stages include Concept (Level Of Detail LOD100), Design (LOD200), Construction (LOD300) & Operation/Maintenance (LOD400). Each stage represents different information requirements for a project at different phases.

What are BIM models commonly used for?

BIM models are primarily used for designing and documenting building plans. They also aid in visualizing spaces before construction begins, detecting potential clashes between systems, estimating costs, planning construction sequences, managing facilities after construction completes.


BIM modelling for product manufacturers in the building services industry can save time and resources through enhanced visualization and clash detection.

Revit families can improve product representation and data management, while collaboration with design teams through CDEs can increase market visibility.

Complying with NBS mandates for UK BIM standards is crucial for staying competitive in a digital landscape and improving efficiency and accuracy in projects for MEP contractors, MEP design companies, architects, engineers, and construction professionals.

By adopting these practices, the building services industry can benefit from streamlined design processes and improved collaboration, ultimately leading to better project outcomes.

BIM Outsourcing, as one of the leading BIM coordination service providers offer a range of different services from BIM modelling to installation coordination as well as clash detection services. This ensures that our clients can concentrate on their core competencies while still getting a quality service.

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