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Understanding UK BIM Level 2 Key Documents: A Comprehensive Guide

Written by BIM Outsourcing
August 2, 2023

Understanding UK BIM Level 2 Key Documents can feel like navigating a labyrinth.

The standards, protocols, the whole digital construction language... it's enough to make your head spin.

You're not alone in this. Many professionals find themselves at sea when it comes to these documents.

But here's the truth - without a firm grasp on UK BIM Level 2 Key Documents, you might be missing out on essential industry insights and opportunities.

Table of Contents:

The Transition from BIM Level 2 to UK BIM Framework

Within the construction industry, a significant transformation took place in 2018. The 'BIM level 2' concept evolved into what is now recognised as the UK BIM Framework. This shift was not just about renaming; it represented an advanced approach towards managing information across all phases of building projects.

This change came out of necessity for several reasons. First and foremost, there was a requirement for more precise regulations to be implemented that could be utilised in an identical way across different areas of the business. Furthermore, this new framework aimed at promoting consistency in practice while also allowing flexibility for bespoke requirements.

Understanding Levels of Maturity in BIM

In order to understand Building Information Modelling (BIM) progression over time, one must grasp its levels of maturity. These stages represent distinct milestones achieved during digital transformation within architectural, engineering and construction industries.

'Level 0' refers to unmanaged CAD (Computer-Aided Design), where drawings are created digitally but without any structured methodology or standards guiding their creation or exchange between stakeholders. On contrast with this stands 'Level 1', which describes managed CAD under some degree standardisation through BS1192:2007+A2:2016 providing guidance on data structures yet lacking full integration and collaborative working among project participants.

Moving up further along these lines brings us face-to-face with 'Level 2'. Here we find fully collaborative environments where shared information models exist separately until combined solely for viewing purposes - thus ensuring integrity throughout design iterations according to related standards like BS EN ISO series establishing specific obligations regarding data management by an Information Manager.

Last but certainly not least comes 'level-3', often referred synonymously as "Open-Bim". At this stage complete integration takes place under one model leading us toward our future direction - developing digital built Britain using integrated tools such Industry Foundation Classes(IFC).

To sum things up then - transitioning from 'Bim level-02' into Uk's current frame work has been about refining processes based upon lessons learnt so far whilst preparing ourselves better embracing upcoming advancements technology practices leading comprehensive digitization efforts nationally.

Key Takeaway: 

The transition from BIM Level 2 to the UK BIM Framework was not just a mere change in name, but rather a collective effort within the industry to establish more precise guidelines and ensure consistent practices. The progression through maturity levels in Building Information Modelling can be likened to climbing a ladder; commencing with unmanaged CAD at 'Level 0', and advancing towards fully integrated models in 'Open-Bim' or 'Level 3'.

Government Construction Strategy for Centrally Procured Public Projects

The UK Government's Construction Strategy, launched in 2011, has significantly transformed the construction landscape. The strategy mandated fully collaborative 3D Building Information Modelling (BIM) on all centrally-procured public projects by 2016.

This strategic shift aimed to enhance efficiency and reduce costs in government-funded construction projects through BIM technology. This approach facilitates effective collaboration throughout a building's lifecycle - from design to operation stages, fostering informed decision-making processes based on accurate information.

The Impact on Construction Operations Building Information Exchange

Beyond just adopting advanced technologies, this change also emphasized enhancing communication between different project stakeholders. A critical component of this transformation is COBie - Construction Operations Building Information Exchange which ensures efficient data capture during construction that will be useful when buildings transition into their operational phase post-construction.

Incorporating COBie standards into workflows means valuable data isn't lost during handover from constructor to owner-operator; instead, it becomes part of an integrated dataset within the overall model enabling effective facilities management over time. Working within a BIM environment allows seamless integration with COBie datasets as digital models serve as rich repositories of relevant project data.

Beyond Compliance: Embrace Digital Transformation

Navigating beyond mere adherence to rules and regulations presents businesses across the sector - architects, engineers or constructors - with opportunities for holistic digital transformation rather than reluctant compliance. Adopting such innovative methodologies brings potential rewards including increased productivity due to improved coordination efforts leading to fewer errors or reworks, hence saving both time and money while delivering higher quality outcomes for clients and end-users alike. To achieve desired results, however, requires a mindset change among professionals. They must be willing to learn and adapt novel ways of doing things enabled by modern tools like those provided within the realm of the BIM ecosystem.

Achieving Level 2 BIM with PAS1192-2 and PAS1192-3

With the digital revolution sweeping across industries, achieving a mature level of Building Information Modelling (BIM) has become paramount. The path to this maturity is paved by protocols such as PAS1192-1 for the capital delivery phase and its counterpart PAS1192-3, which guides us through the operational phases.

In essence, they provide robust guidelines that help meet the employer's information requirements while managing information effectively throughout construction operations and building information exchange processes.

Utilising the BIM Toolkit for Model Definition

The road to compliance with these stringent yet necessary requirements often necessitates precise model definitions at key data drops. This is where tools like NBS' online resource - the 'BIM Toolkit', come into play, offering step-by-step guidance throughout project lifecycles.

  1. This toolkit can be used to establish what graphical data should be produced at each stage along with associated attribute or non-graphical data.
  2. Sets expectations early on, ensuring all stakeholders are working towards common goals.
  3. Beyond just model definition, it also aids in role assignment within projects, thus ensuring clarity over who does what across different stages. Click here

Paving the Way Towards the National Digital Twin & Future Implications for Information Managers:

Supporting Protocols, Standards, and Tools for Implementing BIM

The integration of Building Information Models (BIM) into construction projects is a complex endeavor. It's an exercise that demands the employment of various protocols, standards, and tools designed to foster effective collaboration among all project stakeholders.

A cornerstone among these resources is none other than the CIC BIM Protocol. This protocol lays out obligations related to information model production as well as defining roles and responsibilities in relation to model management throughout each stage of a project lifecycle.

In essence, it provides a consistent method for building element classification at different stages - enhancing clarity amidst complexity.

Role of Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)

Beyond mere protocols or tools like Uniclass2015 lies another crucial component: The Industry Foundation Classes (IFC). IFC acts as a neutral data format facilitating interoperability between disparate software applications used during both building design and construction processes.

This open standard promotes efficient communication by enabling seamless exchange between diverse architectural engineering software platforms without loss or distortion; thus ensuring smoother workflows while reducing errors due to miscommunication or incompatible file formats. More details about IFC can be found here.

Understanding COBie - Construction Operations Building Information Exchange

Navigating beyond such established entities like CIC BIM Protocol brings us face-to-face with yet another revolutionary tool known simply as COBie - short form for Construction Operations Building Information Exchange. Its primary function? To revolutionize how asset data transfers from constructors over operators upon practical completion occur. Find more insights on COBie here.

The Future Direction of Digital Built Britain

With the digital revolution continuing to advance, it is only natural that our built environment should also be following suit by transitioning towards a future where physical and virtual realities are intertwined. This concept, known as the National Digital Twin, relies heavily on robust industry documentation like the BS EN ISO series.

An information manager plays an integral role here by ensuring adherence to these standards while managing building information models (BIM). The obligations set for this professional are outlined clearly in the BS EN ISO 19650-5:2023.

BS EN ISO Series: Setting Obligations for Information Managers

This part of the wider BS EN ISO series provides specific guidance on security-minded management within BIM environments. It emphasizes protecting sensitive project and asset data while maintaining its integrity during various stages of maturity.

Achieving effective implementation based on these guidelines can help organizations meet their legal requirements around privacy and confidentiality. This approach will be instrumental as we move further into developing digital built Britain.

Achieving Interoperability with Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)

In addition to setting clear responsibilities for professionals handling data, achieving interoperability between different software applications used within design and construction processes is another crucial aspect driving us toward this future vision.

The solution lies with Industry Foundation Classes or IFC - a neutral data format that allows seamless communication between varied systems contributing towards creating holistic building models at the heart of the envisioned National Digital Twin (Learn more about IFC).

Moving forward presents challenges such as cybersecurity risks or keeping up-to-date documentation amidst rapidly evolving technology landscapes. However, adhering to established standards like those outlined by PAS1192-4 along with resources provided by bodies like the UK BIM Alliance serves to effectively navigate complexities successfully.

To sum up, there's an exciting journey ahead leading to digitally

FAQs in Relation to Uk Bim Level 2 Key Documents

What is required for BIM Level 2?

BIM Level 2 requires collaborative working, creation of information in a shared digital space, adherence to UK standards like PAS1192 and BS1192, and usage of common data environments (CDE).

What are the key 5 components of a BIM Level 2 project?

The five key components include: use of collaborative processes; application of UK standards; production of defined deliverables; utilization of CDEs; and implementation of clear contractual frameworks.

What is UK BIM Level 2?

UK BIM Level 2 refers to a set standardized procedures for creating, managing and sharing building or infrastructure asset information digitally. It's part of the government's construction strategy.

What documents are required for BIM?

Necessary documents include Employer's Information Requirements (EIR), Master Information Delivery Plan (MIDP), Task Information Delivery Plan (TIDP) and Construction Operations Building Information Exchange (COBie) among others.


Exploring the world of UK BIM Level 2 Key Documents has been a journey.

We've travelled through time, seeing how standards have evolved to meet our industry's changing needs.

We've delved into the complexities of maturity levels in BIM and their role in shaping digital construction.

The government strategy for centrally procured public projects has shown us how policies can drive innovation and collaboration within our sector.

Through PAS1192-2 and PAS1192-3, we've seen practical steps towards achieving Level 2 BIM. The toolkit is an invaluable resource for defining model requirements at key data drops.

Supporting protocols, standards, tools like CIC BIM Protocol or Uniclass2015 are crucial components of effective implementation. Not forgetting IFC and COBie that ensure interoperability between different software applications used in building design and construction.

All these elements point towards one direction - a future where National Digital Twin becomes reality underpinning robust industry documentation such as BS EN ISO series establishing specific obligations for an information manager.

In the journey of firms navigating the BIM standards, the UK BIM package require fully collaborative 3D BIM approach, encompassing information management, employers information requirements, and specific obligations established through UK procurement. These key documents align with different maturity stages, where Level 1 describes managed CAD and Level 0 describes unmanaged CAD processes, providing a holistic view of BIM implementation in accordance with BS 1192 and establishes specific obligations.

BIM Outsourcing, as one of the leading BIM coordination service providers offer a range of different services from BIM modelling to installation coordination as well as clash detection services. This ensures that our clients can concentrate on their core competencies while still getting a quality service.

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