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Competitively priced BIM Modelling / Guaranteed quality / Fast turnaround

The Various Benefits of BIM and Who Can Enjoy Them

Written by BIM Outsourcing
October 13, 2022

In this article we will look at Various Benefits of BIM, BIM is becoming the hottest buzzword in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction. Even in all fields related to the built environment. But what exactly does it mean? Why are people starting to care about it now? What benefits does it bring? These are all excellent questions. We've put together this guide so you can learn more about BIM, who benefits from it, and how you can!

Building Information Modeling is a very collaborative process. Architectural, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) professionals can plan and design. All these experts perform their tasks in a single central file of a 3D model. That 3D model also includes digital information on the building plans and assets. We can further use it for planning, estimations, simulation, and analysis. You can generate construction drawings from completed design for construction purposes.

It is one of the most potent methodologies in the construction industry nowadays. BIM enables all stakeholders to share information d save time during projects. Furthermore, it aids engineers in creating more accurate building models. Also, detecting design flaws before construction begins. Early assessment of the design spots unnecessary materials and avoids wastage. Getting the project right from the outset will save time and money.

The project model is in 3D in a BIM-based approach. It makes the real-time visualization and presentation of the design much more effortless. Extracting and exporting the material information is accurate and quicker than previous methodologies. For example, we are getting the type of material, quality, quantity, and dimensions. We can also use this information to obtain precise estimates and concrete planning. BIM also ensures efficient and timely procurement.

Unlike the previous designing techniques of using AutoCAD or manual drafting. BIM provides automation in the process to speed up the workflow. Modelers can automate any repetitive task related to designing or planning. You can use API in modeling to write programming code for automation.

BIM provides a well-synchronized and reliable model. Which is crucial for an up-to-the-mark construction project. Better planning means better management of human and other construction resources. Scheduling in BIM-enabled projects provides better planning. It is, furthermore, allocating the labor in an orderly way. Accessibility and storage of building information are much more efficient. All this is possible in this digital era through the adoption of BIM. The model is accessible anywhere in the world through cloud storage. By authorized personnel with login credentials. Moreover, it also increases data storage capacity as it uses cloud servers.

Recent studies showed that almost 75% of companies use BIM in construction projects. They made significant cost savings. Besides designers and consultants, BIM benefits all the stakeholders in the construction process. From owner to labor, through several aspects. This method helps each professional streamline their work. Which we will discuss further below.

How BIM Helps Architects

Building Information Modeling involves the creation of digital 3D models of buildings. That allows architects, engineers, and contractors to create a comprehensive construction plan. These interactive 3D models will enable them to visualize their designs. Before they commit to building anything in the physical world. BIM also benefits architects. By providing them with more accurate drawings requiring less editing time. It reduces frustration when collaborating with other team members in the design process. Architects can design a well-tuned project with the rest of the surroundings. Assisting in energy and sustainability analysis.

You can enhance the presentation of 3D models through rendering. Which also gives them a more colorful and realistic look. For the representation to clients and investors. Walkthrough animation provides ease of understanding the design and a better lighting solution.

How BIM Helps Engineers

Engineers play a significant role in designing and planning energy-efficient buildings. Civil engineers ensure the proper structural component placement with calculated load-bearing capacities. Electrical engineers and mechanical engineers provide the design of their respective systems. Along with the simulation details and calculations. You can visualize building services and the architectural model. To get the proper and error-free assembly of the building assets. Electrical engineers can improve design efficiency by using BIM models. It also helps to plan electrical work throughout the building ahead of time. Engineers can test different alternatives and decide on the most workable option.

BIM also helps the engineer to perform clash detection tests on the digital model.

To cut any tentative clashes between services and infrastructure. It also provides required clearance between services and architectural models. BIM speeds up all the processes that engineers perform for efficient design. That includes modifications, which itself an automatic task in BIM.

You hardly have to calculate this methodology's construction reports with accurate results.

How BIM Helps Contractors

Usually, before starting the work, the contractor draws their shop drawing. Based on drawing sheets received from the consultants. In BIM workflow, contractors get the 3D digital model with the 2D drafts of each view. They must change as per their requirements, print them out, and start construction. MEP contractor can follow the same process for fabrication works. It makes the whole process, as well as decision-making, faster. Project portfolio management is another advantage where BIM is essential. To provide better resources and time planning to complete the project. A contractor can track the progress of the construction and fabrication process. He can mark milestones finished as soon as he completes the corresponding milestone. As all the data and progress are stored and managed. Procurement and management of material are much more accurate and tracked down.

How BIM helps Cost Estimators and Planning engineers

As discussed above, one key advantage of adopting BIM is precise material take. The modeler can extract the schedule of quantities in tables. Manipulating them to get relevant information. You can pull out quantities for each section or floor. Multiply the total amounts per unit price to get the estimates. It saves time in generating a Bill Of Quantities. As it does not involve entering each number from 2D drawings sheets.

Generating feasibility reports in the BIM approach is much more precise. It involves aerial surveys with drones along with many assisting procedures. Geological experts can add the geographic location of the site to BIM authoring tools. To check for the feasibility through advanced mythologies and software. The same goes for the planning engineers who used Primavera or MS projects. They can now use BIM tools to do accurate and faster planning. It gives all the information like GANTT Charts, S-Curves, critical paths, etc.

All this information is crucial for planning. Data is extracted from the 3-dimensional model and reduces manual data input activity.

How BIM Helps Project Managers

BIM is a perfect tool that facilitates Integrated Project Delivery (IDP). A plan that brings all disciplines, professionals, and their effort under the same umbrella. It integrates all parties: modelers, project managers, engineers, contractors, systems & practices. Thus creating a win-win situation for all of them. BIM facilities the exchange of information between all parties. From the concept design stage to sustainable operations. Assigning tasks and managing authorization of various building information is now possible. BIM has made it much more ease than before. Enhanced security is now an achievable task. For example, suppose a company is modeling a design for a prison compound. In that case, the project manager can divide each section/block of the building. He manages the authorization of different experts with a single dashboard. Every expert will have the accessibility of their given block only.

BIM provides enhanced security for building data. It also reduces the risk of a data breach if handled correctly.

How BIM Helps Facility Managers

BIM provides 3D visualization and a central database of the building information model. Which assists the building professionals while the project handover to the facility managers. This approach makes the project much faster, with negligible discrepancies and duplicate work. Facility managers are responsible for maintaining the building life cycle. They are also responsible for making necessary preventative maintenance or service upgradation decisions. You can even achieve operational efficiency with the least possible cost. With the defined level of detail provided by BIM. Facility managers get a database of all building services. Including building structures, MEP systems, firefighting systems, security systems, space requirements, etc.

Along with every detail about its service period, operating manuals, replacement period, etc.

Necessary data and Costs

All this information about the building help managers in its efficient operation. Which has a direct environmental impact and running cost of the Facility. BIM provides all the necessary data to analyze running costs and compare many options. Which helps them to select the most workable and environment friendly alternative.

How BIM Helps Governments or Municipal Authorities

Government organizations, like municipal or development authorities, also enjoy the benefits of BIM. They issue energy efficiency reports and reports related to environmental aspects. With BIM, they can provide faster reports with increased accuracy. Using a central database over the cloud give allows access to each party.

Adopting BIM in large infrastructure projects makes life easier for all shareholders. Through seamless collaboration and accessibility. Adding climate aspects of site area in analysis help the governments to reach a better decision. While considering future climate change aspects. Whether you believe in climate change or not, the impact of weather events like floods is vast. The complexity of repairing buildings damaged by floods puts a burden on state budgets. But new innovative technology: BIM, has also helped development authorities. Like gauging the effects of flooding on structures. It makes them resilient against disasters. With this new technology, we can identify potential risks before they happen. It helps to avoid costly rebuilding expenses.

How BIM Helps Owners and Landlords

After all the thoughts mentioned above. The primary decision-making authority is the owner of the building. He is the one who is most concerned about cost constraints. From the designing phase to its efficient operations. Considering how expensive utilities are. And how they often make up a large part of construction budgets.

Applying BIM principles can help cut costs by reducing wasted materials. It can reduce waste by up to 30%. The owner is the one who enjoys the most benefits. For having an availability of a digital twin with detailed information and simulations.

It is much easy to spot flaws or lapses in the quality of construction and design. Which is the principal benefit of BIM. Owners and investors can communicate these aspects with consultants. To fix issues or demand compensation. Storing building documents is easy. They can be modified or updated in less time than CAD-based designs.

To make better decisions about whether they want to buy or sell a property. Potential owners can access information from Building Information Model. Analyze operational and capital costs based on return on investment. Along with waste control, it also increases the investor's revenue. Thus creating new business opportunities.

Final Words

BIM has completely revolutionized the way AEC and the facility management industry work. This technology has been around for quite a while. Now it's becoming more recognized as a game-changer in the construction industry. The timeline required to complete the project will decrease. The recent construction of 30 storey T30 Hotel Tower in Changsha, China, is the perfect example. In the future, the use of big sheets with 2D sheets will vanish. You will be able to store the design digitally on intelligent devices.

Construction engineers, project engineers, and supervisors will have laptops or tablets. Along with the data required for the construction to view the model and associated data. We will get more environment-friendly resources. For example, the manufacturer will ship the pre-fabricated equipment to the site. And contractor will right away assemble them at the construction site. There will be negligible or no construction resource wastage. Like other advanced methodologies, BIM will help us make a better and more eco-friendly future ahead.  

BIM Outsourcing UK has been working to help UK construction projects (both commercial and government) with BIM, Revit, MEP and more. Check out our team and projects and feel free to reach out to us for an initial, free consultation call.

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