Competitively priced BIM Modelling / Guaranteed quality / Fast turnaround

Competitively priced BIM Modelling / Guaranteed quality / Fast turnaround

What is Virtual Design and Construction, you ask? Well, it's a game-changer in the building industry.

Constructing projects can be a real challenge due to the potential for miscommunications between architects and contractors, as well as costly errors on site. We're talking about miscommunications between architects and contractors, costly errors on site - the list goes on.

In the world of architecture, engineering, and construction, "What is Virtual Design and Construction" is a common question that arises. Virtual Design and Construction, commonly known as VDC, is a groundbreaking approach that leverages advanced technologies to create digital representations of construction projects, enabling seamless collaboration, enhanced visualization, and efficient project management throughout the entire building process

This innovative approach uses digital models of buildings before even breaking ground. Imagine that! A way to foresee potential problems before they become actual ones!

Table of Contents:

Embracing the Power of Virtual Design and Construction

The construction industry is currently undergoing a significant transformation, thanks to the advent of Virtual Design and Construction (VDC). This cutting-edge technology enables architects, engineers, contractors, and other professionals involved in building design to create digital models efficiently.

VDC leverages Building Information Modelling (BIM) tools that convert raw data into valuable insights. It provides an opportunity for stakeholders to visualize every aspect of their projects virtually before actual construction begins. The resulting digital representations are not just graphical depictions but contain comprehensive information about physical characteristics as well as functional details like energy performance or material specifications.

Virtual Reality: A Game-Changer in VDC

Beyond BIM modeling capabilities lies another game-changer - virtual reality (VR). VR offers engaging spatial experiences by allowing users to navigate through proposed structures even before they exist physically. Such immersive visualization enhances communication among project teams while also providing clients with tangible previews of their investments.

This technological leap fosters better understanding among all parties involved in a construction project leading towards successful outcomes due to its ability to increase collaboration. VDC technology effectively streamlines processes within multiple multi-disciplinary parties working towards the same goal - constructing efficient buildings within time and budget constraints.

Digital Twins: Bridging the Gap between the Physical and Digital Worlds

A noteworthy development within VDC is 'Digital Twins'. These dynamic software models mirror real-world assets across their lifecycle using sensors embedded at critical points throughout the infrastructure structure's infrastructure. Autodesk's Digital Twin solutions offer invaluable insights based on actual usage patterns rather than theoretical assumptions.

In essence, Virtual Design and Construction brings together diverse technologies under one umbrella - each playing its part towards achieving greater precision in planning stages, which ultimately translates to higher quality constructions delivered on time and within budget. With such advantages, it's no wonder many companies are embracing the power of this transformative approach to help them stay ahead in the competitive market landscape.

Key Takeaway: 

Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) is revolutionising the construction industry, combining technologies like Building Information Modelling and Virtual Reality to optimise planning stages. It's a game-changer that enhances collaboration, improves precision, and delivers quality constructions on time and within budget.

The Intricacies of VDC Technology

Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) technology is a game-changer in the construction industry. This advanced approach utilises 3D Building Information Modelling (BIM) to digitally plan, design, and manage an entire construction project workflow.

This innovative method offers architects, engineers, and contractors a digital representation that provides comprehensive insight into the building's structure before ground-breaking commences. It paves the way for early detection of potential issues which can be addressed proactively - optimising designs while saving time and reducing costs.

Autodesk Products for Virtual Design

In this era of digital engineering, Autodesk stands out with its suite specifically designed for VDC applications. The Autodesk AEC Collection houses integrated BIM tools supporting efficient building design along with accurate simulations.

This software allows users to easily produce 3D models serving as precise representations reflecting eventual physical structures - enabling detailed analysis from every perspective possible throughout various stages in the project lifecycle.

Apart from facilitating seamless collaboration between multiple multi-disciplinary parties involved through shared access to these virtual plans, it also keeps everyone informed about any changes or updates made during progress tracking, thereby maintaining transparency at all times.

Last but not least among Autodesk's offerings is their clash detection feature - crucially identifying intersections within components, thus preventing conflicts even before they occur onsite during actual construction work itself.

The Role of VDC in Streamlining Construction Workflow

Its primary function? To optimise workflows from design to completion, thanks to digital technology. By enabling professionals to plan production objectives virtually, waste reduction becomes a reality along with efficient installation processes.

VDC provides an all-encompassing project visualisation before any physical work commences on site. This advanced planning capability results in more efficient use of resources and less rework due to errors or unforeseen complications.

Tracking Progress with VDC

Apart from streamlining workflows, another significant advantage that comes into play when using VDC technology lies within its ability for accurate tracking of construction progress - real-time tracking offers an up-to-date view of project status at every stage.

This live feedback loop helps keep multiple multi-disciplinary parties informed about progress throughout each phase of the project lifecycle - ensuring projects stay on schedule by providing early warnings if timelines are likely not going to be met so proactive steps can be taken right away. Autodesk's suite for building information modelling (BIM), including tools like Revit and Navisworks Manage, offer these capabilities among others.

Incorporating real-time data feeds into a centralised system accessible by all stakeholders ensures everyone stays aligned towards common goals - which increase collaboration vdc technology while decreasing miscommunication-related delays or issues.

Besides time-saving benefits during the actual construction process itself, this continuous monitoring also facilitates better post-project reviews as accurate records provide invaluable insights for future improvements. Construction Dive discusses how contractors use BIM tools like VDC process for increased certainty in their projects.

Digital Twin Technology: A Key Component Of Effective Project Management With VDC

Digital twin technology plays a crucial role in effective management implementing Virtual & methods. GlobalSpec Insights. It creates virtual replicas which allow teams across different disciplines such as architecture, engineering, and contracting firms to interact and collaborate efficiently, working together towards shared objectives and improving overall productivity and quality control standards.

Key Takeaway: 

Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) is a game-changer in the construction industry, transforming workflows with digital technology. It's all about visualising projects before they're built, tracking progress in real-time, fostering collaboration among stakeholders and utilising digital twin tech for effective project management. A smarter way to build indeed.

Benefits of Integrating Virtual Design in Construction

The fusion of virtual design with construction processes has revolutionised the industry. This integration is not just about creating 3D BIM models, but it's also a game-changer that brings substantial benefits ranging from cost savings to enhanced collaboration.

How VDC Eliminates Field Errors

Virtually designing buildings using building information modelling (BIM) and other digital engineering tools can significantly reduce field errors. These technologies allow for an intensive analysis before actual construction begins, enabling teams to spot potential issues early on.

A comprehensive pre-construction review helps mitigate costly mistakes and ensures smooth operations at the construction site. In fact, error detection during these initial stages drastically cuts down rework costs while enhancing overall project efficiency.

The Broad Spectrum Advantages Of VDC Integration

Beyond mitigating field errors, there are multiple advantages tied to integrating virtual design into your workflow. One significant benefit lies in fostering improved collaboration among stakeholders through shared digital platforms where everyone involved can access real-time updates about the progress made on production objectives.

This level of transparency keeps all parties aligned and promotes faster decision-making due to readily available data. Additionally, implementing this technology improves quality control as it allows more accurate estimations leading up to better planning which results in higher standards being met during actual execution. Autodesk's suite of BIM solutions, for instance, provides such capabilities promoting streamlined communication across various multi-disciplinary parties engaged in a project.

Furthermore, Virtual Design And Construction (VDC) enhances health and safety measures by allowing professionals to track construction progress digitally, thus anticipating potential hazards beforehand and minimising risks associated with traditional methods. This proactive approach aids contractors and building services industries in increasing their productivity whilst maintaining high levels of safety onsite.

Engaging Spatial Experiences with Virtual Reality Tools

The employment of VR tools in the construction sector is transforming how we interact with and comprehend project designs. By incorporating VR into Virtual Design and Construction (VDC), stakeholders can now immerse themselves in their projects, identifying potential issues before they become costly mistakes.

This not only enhances efficiency but also fosters a deeper understanding of complex structures among architects, engineers, contractors - essentially all parties involved in the building process.

Exploring Drone Deployment in Construction

Drones are becoming an integral part of VDC workflows. These unmanned aerial vehicles equipped with advanced imaging technologies capture high-quality data from above, which helps to easily produce 3D models for accurate topographical maps or detailed building inspections.

Autodesk University further explores this concept, highlighting how drones enhance safety by reducing manual site surveys while speeding up processes considerably. The integration between drones and VR creates engaging spatial experiences where stakeholders can virtually navigate through proposed designs at different stages, effectively tracking construction progress against planned schedules.

Virtually Navigating Through Proposed Designs

Incorporating Autodesk products such as Revit or Navisworks alongside these powerful VR capabilities allows seamless collaboration among multiple multidisciplinary parties involved in a project. This increased collaboration results in improved decision-making processes leading to better quality outcomes overall.

  1. Navigate: Stakeholders have the opportunity to explore every aspect of their design project virtually, eliminating misunderstandings that may arise from traditional blueprints.
  2. Analyse: Potential problems are identified early on during the pre-construction phase, saving valuable time and resources later down the line.
  3. Collaborate: Seamless interaction between various teams ensures everyone stays informed about updates and changes throughout the entire lifecycle, ensuring smoother execution right until the completion stage comes around.

Addressing Potential Risks with Implementing VDC

The journey to embracing Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) isn't without its hurdles. Two significant obstacles often encountered are data security concerns and the initial costs of implementation.

Data Security Concerns

In an era where cyber threats lurk around every digital corner, protecting sensitive project information is a top priority for firms adopting VDC technology. With multiple stakeholders sharing critical data across platforms, robust cybersecurity measures become non-negotiable.

To counter these risks, companies should consider investing in secure cloud storage solutions that offer stringent access control protocols. Regular audits can also be performed to detect any suspicious activities or breaches early on.

High Initial Costs

Venturing into the world of virtual design comes with upfront expenses such as software acquisition costs and staff training requirements which might seem daunting initially. Despite the initial expenses, it is important to remember that this investment will ultimately bring about efficiency improvements, fewer mistakes in the field and cost savings in the long run.

A strategic approach towards managing these initial investments could involve phased adoption strategies where smaller teams start using the technology before rolling out company-wide or leveraging outsourced services during the transition period.

While acknowledging the potential pitfalls associated with implementing VDC, it does underscore the importance by highlighting areas requiring careful consideration during the implementation phase. It's important to understand what adopting entails and how best to navigate it to maximize the return on your investment.

FAQs About Virtual Design and Construction

The world of construction is buzzing with talk about Virtual Design and Construction (VDC). What could VDC mean for your organisation? Let's tackle some VDC frequently asked questions to help you understand better.

What is the difference between VDC and BIM?

VDC encompasses Building Information Modeling (BIM), but also includes processes like project management. Essentially, BIM provides the data-rich 3D models while VDC utilizes this information in practical applications.

What are the benefits of virtual design construction?

VDC offers numerous advantages including cost savings, increased collaboration through shared platforms, improved quality control measures on construction site, enhanced safety protocols, and reduced risk due to error prevention.

What does a VDC engineer do?

A VDC Engineer leverages technology to streamline workflows in construction projects. They manage digital models of buildings using software like Autodesk's AEC Collection to enhance efficiency during planning stages.

What are the cost implications of VDC?

VDC technology comes at a price, involving investment in software tools, hardware upgrades, and staff training. However, these costs can be balanced out by the efficiencies gained through streamlined project workflows that minimize waste and reduce errors during building design processes. The exact figures will vary depending on your specific requirements.

Is there a need for employee training when adopting VDC?

In short: yes. Just like any new technology implementation, adequate staff training is essential to ensure everyone understands how to use it effectively. Various online resources offer comprehensive courses on Autodesk products used in virtual design, such as Revit or Navisworks Manage, which form part of most organizations' digital engineering toolkits.

Which software options support VDC?

A number of robust software solutions exist that cater specifically to virtual design needs, including the BIM 360 platform from Autodesk, offering project management capabilities among other things; Tekla Structures, known for detailed 3D models; Bentley Systems' ProjectWise, providing information management, etc. - all designed to make construction projects more efficient while construction eliminates field errors significantly.


The answers provided here should serve as a starting point only - each organization will have unique requirements based on their size, complexity of projects undertaken, existing infrastructure, among other factors.


Virtual Design and Construction has revolutionised the building industry. It's an exciting blend of technology and construction, bringing projects to life before a single brick is laid.

The power lies in its ability to create digital models of buildings, optimising workflows like never before. With Autodesk products at the helm, VDC becomes an architect's best friend.

VDC streamlines construction workflow, saving time and resources. Tracking progress digitally keeps everyone on track - no more guesswork or miscommunication.

The benefits are manifold: cost savings, increased collaboration, improved quality control – it’s a game-changer for sure! And let’s not forget how it significantly reduces field errors – that alone is worth considering this approach!

Immersive experiences with virtual reality tools? Yes, please! Drones capturing high-quality aerial data? Absolutely! VDC makes these possible too!

Of course, there might be risks such as data security concerns, but remember every innovation comes with challenges initially. The long-term advantages of VDC far exceed any minor issues that may arise.

What is Virtual Design and Construction" encompasses Autodesk products to efficiently create building design, virtually simulating the construction process, and eliminating field errors. VDC technology helps save time throughout the entire construction project workflow, from construction project from estimating costs to tracking construction progress on-site, and increases collaboration among stakeholders, with VDC coordinators save time by playing a key role in digitally planning and coordinating the construction process

BIM Outsourcing, as one of the leading BIM coordination service providers offer a range of different services from BIM modelling to installation coordination as well as clash detection services. This ensures that our clients can concentrate on their core competencies while still getting a quality service.

Understanding UK BIM Level 2 Key Documents can feel like navigating a labyrinth.

The standards, protocols, the whole digital construction language... it's enough to make your head spin.

You're not alone in this. Many professionals find themselves at sea when it comes to these documents.

But here's the truth - without a firm grasp on UK BIM Level 2 Key Documents, you might be missing out on essential industry insights and opportunities.

Table of Contents:

The Transition from BIM Level 2 to UK BIM Framework

Within the construction industry, a significant transformation took place in 2018. The 'BIM level 2' concept evolved into what is now recognised as the UK BIM Framework. This shift was not just about renaming; it represented an advanced approach towards managing information across all phases of building projects.

This change came out of necessity for several reasons. First and foremost, there was a requirement for more precise regulations to be implemented that could be utilised in an identical way across different areas of the business. Furthermore, this new framework aimed at promoting consistency in practice while also allowing flexibility for bespoke requirements.

Understanding Levels of Maturity in BIM

In order to understand Building Information Modelling (BIM) progression over time, one must grasp its levels of maturity. These stages represent distinct milestones achieved during digital transformation within architectural, engineering and construction industries.

'Level 0' refers to unmanaged CAD (Computer-Aided Design), where drawings are created digitally but without any structured methodology or standards guiding their creation or exchange between stakeholders. On contrast with this stands 'Level 1', which describes managed CAD under some degree standardisation through BS1192:2007+A2:2016 providing guidance on data structures yet lacking full integration and collaborative working among project participants.

Moving up further along these lines brings us face-to-face with 'Level 2'. Here we find fully collaborative environments where shared information models exist separately until combined solely for viewing purposes - thus ensuring integrity throughout design iterations according to related standards like BS EN ISO series establishing specific obligations regarding data management by an Information Manager.

Last but certainly not least comes 'level-3', often referred synonymously as "Open-Bim". At this stage complete integration takes place under one model leading us toward our future direction - developing digital built Britain using integrated tools such Industry Foundation Classes(IFC).

To sum things up then - transitioning from 'Bim level-02' into Uk's current frame work has been about refining processes based upon lessons learnt so far whilst preparing ourselves better embracing upcoming advancements technology practices leading comprehensive digitization efforts nationally.

Key Takeaway: 

The transition from BIM Level 2 to the UK BIM Framework was not just a mere change in name, but rather a collective effort within the industry to establish more precise guidelines and ensure consistent practices. The progression through maturity levels in Building Information Modelling can be likened to climbing a ladder; commencing with unmanaged CAD at 'Level 0', and advancing towards fully integrated models in 'Open-Bim' or 'Level 3'.

Government Construction Strategy for Centrally Procured Public Projects

The UK Government's Construction Strategy, launched in 2011, has significantly transformed the construction landscape. The strategy mandated fully collaborative 3D Building Information Modelling (BIM) on all centrally-procured public projects by 2016.

This strategic shift aimed to enhance efficiency and reduce costs in government-funded construction projects through BIM technology. This approach facilitates effective collaboration throughout a building's lifecycle - from design to operation stages, fostering informed decision-making processes based on accurate information.

The Impact on Construction Operations Building Information Exchange

Beyond just adopting advanced technologies, this change also emphasized enhancing communication between different project stakeholders. A critical component of this transformation is COBie - Construction Operations Building Information Exchange which ensures efficient data capture during construction that will be useful when buildings transition into their operational phase post-construction.

Incorporating COBie standards into workflows means valuable data isn't lost during handover from constructor to owner-operator; instead, it becomes part of an integrated dataset within the overall model enabling effective facilities management over time. Working within a BIM environment allows seamless integration with COBie datasets as digital models serve as rich repositories of relevant project data.

Beyond Compliance: Embrace Digital Transformation

Navigating beyond mere adherence to rules and regulations presents businesses across the sector - architects, engineers or constructors - with opportunities for holistic digital transformation rather than reluctant compliance. Adopting such innovative methodologies brings potential rewards including increased productivity due to improved coordination efforts leading to fewer errors or reworks, hence saving both time and money while delivering higher quality outcomes for clients and end-users alike. To achieve desired results, however, requires a mindset change among professionals. They must be willing to learn and adapt novel ways of doing things enabled by modern tools like those provided within the realm of the BIM ecosystem.

Achieving Level 2 BIM with PAS1192-2 and PAS1192-3

With the digital revolution sweeping across industries, achieving a mature level of Building Information Modelling (BIM) has become paramount. The path to this maturity is paved by protocols such as PAS1192-1 for the capital delivery phase and its counterpart PAS1192-3, which guides us through the operational phases.

In essence, they provide robust guidelines that help meet the employer's information requirements while managing information effectively throughout construction operations and building information exchange processes.

Utilising the BIM Toolkit for Model Definition

The road to compliance with these stringent yet necessary requirements often necessitates precise model definitions at key data drops. This is where tools like NBS' online resource - the 'BIM Toolkit', come into play, offering step-by-step guidance throughout project lifecycles.

  1. This toolkit can be used to establish what graphical data should be produced at each stage along with associated attribute or non-graphical data.
  2. Sets expectations early on, ensuring all stakeholders are working towards common goals.
  3. Beyond just model definition, it also aids in role assignment within projects, thus ensuring clarity over who does what across different stages. Click here

Paving the Way Towards the National Digital Twin & Future Implications for Information Managers:

Supporting Protocols, Standards, and Tools for Implementing BIM

The integration of Building Information Models (BIM) into construction projects is a complex endeavor. It's an exercise that demands the employment of various protocols, standards, and tools designed to foster effective collaboration among all project stakeholders.

A cornerstone among these resources is none other than the CIC BIM Protocol. This protocol lays out obligations related to information model production as well as defining roles and responsibilities in relation to model management throughout each stage of a project lifecycle.

In essence, it provides a consistent method for building element classification at different stages - enhancing clarity amidst complexity.

Role of Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)

Beyond mere protocols or tools like Uniclass2015 lies another crucial component: The Industry Foundation Classes (IFC). IFC acts as a neutral data format facilitating interoperability between disparate software applications used during both building design and construction processes.

This open standard promotes efficient communication by enabling seamless exchange between diverse architectural engineering software platforms without loss or distortion; thus ensuring smoother workflows while reducing errors due to miscommunication or incompatible file formats. More details about IFC can be found here.

Understanding COBie - Construction Operations Building Information Exchange

Navigating beyond such established entities like CIC BIM Protocol brings us face-to-face with yet another revolutionary tool known simply as COBie - short form for Construction Operations Building Information Exchange. Its primary function? To revolutionize how asset data transfers from constructors over operators upon practical completion occur. Find more insights on COBie here.

The Future Direction of Digital Built Britain

With the digital revolution continuing to advance, it is only natural that our built environment should also be following suit by transitioning towards a future where physical and virtual realities are intertwined. This concept, known as the National Digital Twin, relies heavily on robust industry documentation like the BS EN ISO series.

An information manager plays an integral role here by ensuring adherence to these standards while managing building information models (BIM). The obligations set for this professional are outlined clearly in the BS EN ISO 19650-5:2023.

BS EN ISO Series: Setting Obligations for Information Managers

This part of the wider BS EN ISO series provides specific guidance on security-minded management within BIM environments. It emphasizes protecting sensitive project and asset data while maintaining its integrity during various stages of maturity.

Achieving effective implementation based on these guidelines can help organizations meet their legal requirements around privacy and confidentiality. This approach will be instrumental as we move further into developing digital built Britain.

Achieving Interoperability with Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)

In addition to setting clear responsibilities for professionals handling data, achieving interoperability between different software applications used within design and construction processes is another crucial aspect driving us toward this future vision.

The solution lies with Industry Foundation Classes or IFC - a neutral data format that allows seamless communication between varied systems contributing towards creating holistic building models at the heart of the envisioned National Digital Twin (Learn more about IFC).

Moving forward presents challenges such as cybersecurity risks or keeping up-to-date documentation amidst rapidly evolving technology landscapes. However, adhering to established standards like those outlined by PAS1192-4 along with resources provided by bodies like the UK BIM Alliance serves to effectively navigate complexities successfully.

To sum up, there's an exciting journey ahead leading to digitally

FAQs in Relation to Uk Bim Level 2 Key Documents

What is required for BIM Level 2?

BIM Level 2 requires collaborative working, creation of information in a shared digital space, adherence to UK standards like PAS1192 and BS1192, and usage of common data environments (CDE).

What are the key 5 components of a BIM Level 2 project?

The five key components include: use of collaborative processes; application of UK standards; production of defined deliverables; utilization of CDEs; and implementation of clear contractual frameworks.

What is UK BIM Level 2?

UK BIM Level 2 refers to a set standardized procedures for creating, managing and sharing building or infrastructure asset information digitally. It's part of the government's construction strategy.

What documents are required for BIM?

Necessary documents include Employer's Information Requirements (EIR), Master Information Delivery Plan (MIDP), Task Information Delivery Plan (TIDP) and Construction Operations Building Information Exchange (COBie) among others.


Exploring the world of UK BIM Level 2 Key Documents has been a journey.

We've travelled through time, seeing how standards have evolved to meet our industry's changing needs.

We've delved into the complexities of maturity levels in BIM and their role in shaping digital construction.

The government strategy for centrally procured public projects has shown us how policies can drive innovation and collaboration within our sector.

Through PAS1192-2 and PAS1192-3, we've seen practical steps towards achieving Level 2 BIM. The toolkit is an invaluable resource for defining model requirements at key data drops.

Supporting protocols, standards, tools like CIC BIM Protocol or Uniclass2015 are crucial components of effective implementation. Not forgetting IFC and COBie that ensure interoperability between different software applications used in building design and construction.

All these elements point towards one direction - a future where National Digital Twin becomes reality underpinning robust industry documentation such as BS EN ISO series establishing specific obligations for an information manager.

In the journey of firms navigating the BIM standards, the UK BIM package require fully collaborative 3D BIM approach, encompassing information management, employers information requirements, and specific obligations established through UK procurement. These key documents align with different maturity stages, where Level 1 describes managed CAD and Level 0 describes unmanaged CAD processes, providing a holistic view of BIM implementation in accordance with BS 1192 and establishes specific obligations.

BIM Outsourcing, as one of the leading BIM coordination service providers offer a range of different services from BIM modelling to installation coordination as well as clash detection services. This ensures that our clients can concentrate on their core competencies while still getting a quality service.

Introducing a new era in construction innovation - BIM Software Companies. These pioneers offer a comprehensive suite of cloud-based construction management solution designed to empower construction professionals, automate processes related to project management, and streamline detailed payment reports streamlining, enabling the industry's largest builders network and service providers manage designing and handle multiple construction projects efficiently.

BIM Software Companies offer a field-tested project management software and cloud-based jobsite management solution designed to cater to the diverse needs of construction professionals, empowering project managers in construction industry handle multiple projects. Leveraging a comprehensive cloud-based construction management solution, these companies streamline processes related to construction projects, enabling large enterprises monitor employee occupancy. Their cloud-based collaborative project documentation solution facilitates seamless communication among stakeholders, while a cloud-based facility management platform ensures detailed payment reports are easily accessible, solidifying their position at the forefront of construction industry innovation.

BIM Software Companies also provide software solution with a cutting-edge cloud-based project management solution, allowing construction professionals automate processes related to their projects efficiently.

Table of Contents:

Understanding the Essence of BIM Software Companies

In today's dynamic architectural, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry, what role do Building Information Modelling (BIM) software companies play? Autodesk, a leading player in this domain, states:

To put it simply, these firms provide advanced tools that aid project managers and structural engineers with their daily tasks.

The Role of BIM Software Companies in Project Management

Beyond just providing digital tools, these firms have an integral part to play when it comes to project management within the AEC sector. Their field-tested software allows businesses to handle multiple complex projects concurrently without compromising on quality or timelines.

  1. Effective collaboration among stakeholders through cloud-based operation management solutions.
  2. Data integration from various sources into one unified platform aiding better decision making.
  3. Aiding facility managers by offering an effective tool for monitoring workspace usage, contributing towards cost savings and safer work environments.

Employee Occupancy Monitoring and Facility Management

Serving as more than mere designing aids, BIM Softwares are now being utilized extensively for optimizing space utilization along with ensuring health safety measures like social distancing protocols amidst pandemic situations. Thus, playing a crucial role in creating safer workplaces. This aspect becomes even more important considering how organizations globally are moving towards hybrid working models where accurate tracking of workspace usage can lead not only to significant cost savings but also contribute significantly towards maintaining safe work environments.

Digital Transformation Through Cloud-Based Solutions

In recent years, we've seen a marked shift toward digital transformation within the AEC sector facilitated largely due to advancements made by BIM software companies. One key trend has been the adoption of cloud-based platforms which allow real-time collaboration among stakeholders regardless of geographical locations.

For instance, a free collaboration tool used widely across industries is enabling teams to access shared resources anytime, anywhere, thus improving coordination and resulting in improved outcomes. Not just that, it also provides robust security measures ensuring your valuable data remains protected always.

Empowering Construction Excellence with Comprehensive BIM Solutions

In the construction sector, BIM software is a must-have rather than an extra. From managing multiple projects to monitoring employee occupancy and streamlining processes related to building information modelling, these solutions are at the heart of modern AEC operations.

The adoption of such technologies not only enhances efficiency but also provides opportunities for businesses in this sector to massively increase their profit margins. For instance, Autodesk's Construction Cloud offers numerous features that enable large enterprises to monitor employee occupancy and manage designing effectively.

BIM Collaboration & Coordination

Efficient collaboration and coordination among stakeholders form the backbone of any successful construction project. Herein lies the power of cloud-based BIM solutions like Procore's jobsite management solution. This platform has been designed specifically for efficient project management, enabling teams across various disciplines - from architects to engineers - to work on shared models simultaneously while keeping track of changes made by each individual, thus reducing errors and improving productivity.

Using cloud-based BIM solutions like Procore's jobsite management platform, you can potentially improve your business' bottom line by streamlining processes and cutting down on unnecessary costs.

BIM Visualization Simulation

Apart from enhancing collaboration, BIM software plays a crucial role in providing advanced visualization capabilities that can significantly aid in understanding complex designs better. Tekla Bimsight is a perfect example here, offering detailed visualizations particularly useful for structural engineers who need precise data calculations.

Furthermore, Tekla isn't merely creating visually appealing models; their free BIM Software Solution enables users to simulate scenarios before actual construction begins, thereby helping identify potential issues at an early stage and saving time and resources during the execution phase.

Data Integration In The World Of BIM

Data integration is often an overlooked yet vital aspect of achieving success within the AEC industry, especially when it comes to leveraging the full potential of BIM-based workflows.

Cloud-Based Facility Management Platforms offer seamless data integration from diverse sources, ensuring accuracy, consistency, and reliability in the process. This helps automate tasks related to building information modeling more efficiently, leading to informed decision-making throughout the lifecycle of the asset.

In essence, combining the powerful functionality of modern cloud-based platforms with proven methodologies and practices field-tested over the years results in a streamlined workflow, increased efficiency, and ultimately higher quality outcomes for clients and stakeholders alike.

Key Takeaway: BIM software is revolutionising the construction industry, driving efficiency and boosting profit margins. It fosters collaboration, enhances visualisation of complex designs and enables effective data integration. By streamlining workflows and reducing errors, these tools are not just a convenience but an essential asset for modern AEC operations.

Leading Software Tools in the UK Market

Software tools can be categorized as follows

  • Authoring
  • Federating/viewing
  • Analysis/simulation
  • Validation/Compliance
  • Field
  • Collaboration
  • Apps

A few of the leading players in the UK market are as below

Summary details of Tools



  • Authoring - Revit
  • Federation - Navisworks
  • Collaboration – Buzzsaw
  • Field – BIM 360
  • FM – BIM 360

Website –



  • Authoring – Microstation for Buildings and Infrastructure
  • Federation - Navigator
  • Collaboration – Projectwise
  • FM – Assetwise
  • AECOsim

Website –


Website -



  • Authoring - ArchiCAD
  • Collaboration – BIMx /BIMcloud

Website -



  • Solibri Model Checker
  • Solibri Model Viewer
  • Solibri IFC Optimizer

Website -



  • Synchro PRO
  • Planning/programming/timelining (4D)

Website –



  • Authoring – Tekla Structures
  • Federation – Tekla BIMsight

Website -



  • Authoring
  • Vectorworks Architect
  • Vectorworks Landmark

Websites -



  • Vico Office:

- Coordination, quantity take off, cost estimation, project schedule and production control

Websites -

Advantages of Partnering with a BIM Software Company

The decision to collaborate with an established Building Information Modelling (BIM) software company can yield significant benefits. These advantages span across multiple aspects of project management, from improved efficiency and productivity to substantial cost savings.

Enhanced Efficiency & Productivity

Beyond the shadow of a doubt, partnering up with leading BIM software companies like Autodesk, who offer cloud-based construction management solutions designed for optimal project handling, is one way forward in today's AEC industry. How does this work?

You see, these tools integrate all facets of your projects into one platform enabling seamless collaboration among stakeholders, thereby reducing errors and rework significantly. The integration allows instant changes to be seen on projects, even after the physical work has started, so there's no time wasted because of a lack of communication between teams working together.

In addition, Autodesk's suite has shown in productivity studies to deliver an average gain of 63%. With this level of improvement in workflow efficiency, businesses can expect not only better results but also faster delivery times.

Cost & Time Savings

Apart from enhancing efficiency and productivity, partnering with a reputable BIM company can lead to significant cost savings. Field-tested Project Management Software like Autocad starts at $275 per month and offers considerable returns through improved performance and reduced wastage.

Savings are achieved by minimizing costly errors that result from miscommunication and outdated information used in execution phases. Additionally, efficient resource allocation enabled by these platforms helps avoid unnecessary expenditure on materials and manpower hours that may otherwise be wasted due to poor planning and scheduling conflicts.

The use of cloud-based solutions reduces upfront investment costs associated with purchasing hardware and equipment necessary for traditional CAD systems, thus providing additional financial relief, especially for smaller enterprises operating under tight budgets.

Sustainability & Green Building Initiatives

Autodesk Revit, another industry leader, provides a comprehensive suite of tools instrumental in driving sustainability initiatives and a range of green building designs.

This robust solution supports energy modelling and simulations, allowing architects and engineers alike to analyze the impact of their designs on the environment before actual construction begins. It aids in achieving LEED certification and other global standards, promoting sustainable practices in the architecture and engineering sectors. In essence, using such advanced technology contributes significantly towards combating climate change and aligns a firm's operations with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, making them attractive partners for clients conscious about environmental responsibility.

Improved Collaboration & Communication

Digital transformation brought by the adoption of cloud-based collaborative documentation greatly improves communication among stakeholders, leading to better outcomes overall. An example would be Procore's cloud-based jobsite management solution, designed to facilitate effective coordination among multiple parties involved in any given project, including contractors, designers, and suppliers, etc. All relevant documents are stored centrally and accessible anytime, anywhere, ensuring everyone is updated on progress and mitigating the risk of disputes arising from misunderstanding or misinformation shared among team members.

Trends Shaping Future: BIM Software Companies Embracing Cloud, AI, AR/VR

As we witness the rapid progression of technology in every field, what does the future hold for Building Information Modelling (BIM) software companies? The answer lies in several emerging trends including cloud computing adoption, integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and utilization of Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality (AR/VR).

In essence, it's crucial that MEP Contractors or Design Companies understand how these developments can enhance their work processes.

The Emergence of Cloud-based Platforms within BIM Landscape

Cloud platforms are rapidly becoming indispensable across many industries. Their scalability and flexibility offer benefits traditional systems struggle to match. For instance, Trimble Connect, a free collaboration tool widely used in the industry, allows all project stakeholders access real-time information anytime anywhere, enhancing overall productivity.

  • Promotes seamless collaboration among team members, ensuring everyone works with the most current data available, thereby reducing errors on site significantly.

The Integration Of Artificial Intelligence Into BIM Solutions:

  1. Beyond automating routine tasks such as clash detection or scheduling activities, artificial intelligence algorithms also aid architects and engineers by providing predictive insights leading to a more informed decision-making process. This ultimately results in enhanced efficiency throughout the construction lifecycle, saving both time and resources substantially.
  2. A popular example would be Tekla Structures, which uses machine learning techniques allowing users to simulate different scenarios before actual execution, thus mitigating potential risks early on.
  3. This incorporation further streamlines workflows, freeing up valuable man-hours spent otherwise on repetitive tasks, improving overall productivity levels greatly.

Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality: Reshaping Visualizations & Simulations:

FAQs in Relation to Bim Software Companies

Which is the most used BIM software?

The most widely used BIM software is Autodesk's Revit, known for its comprehensive suite of design tools.

What is a BIM software?

BIM (Building Information Modelling) software enables construction professionals to create and manage digital representations of physical and functional characteristics of buildings.

What software platforms currently exist for BIM?

Notable platforms include Autodesk's Revit, Tekla Structures, ArchiCAD, Bentley Systems' OpenBuildings Designer, and Vectorworks Architect.

Is BIM replacing CAD?

BIM isn't replacing CAD but evolving it. While CAD creates 2D or 3D designs, BIM adds dimensions like time management and cost estimation to the modelling process.


BIM software companies are the catalysts of change in the construction industry.

They're driving efficiency, reducing costs, and championing sustainability with their innovative solutions.

From collaboration to visualization, data integration to facility management - these tools are transforming how we build our world.

The benefits? Enhanced productivity, significant savings, and improved communication among stakeholders. Not forgetting a big push towards green building initiatives too!

And it doesn't stop there. The future holds even more promise as AI, AR/VR technologies, and cloud-based platforms become increasingly integrated into BIM software offerings.

In essence, partnering with a reputable BIM software company is an investment in innovation that pays off tenfold.

BIM Outsourcing, as one of the leading BIM coordination service providers offer a range of different services from BIM modelling to installation coordination as well as clash detection services. This ensures that our clients can concentrate on their core competencies while still getting a quality service.

In this blog, we delve into the transformative impact of Building Information Modelling (BIM) and its role as a cutting-edge trend shaping the landscape of architectural planning for construction.

We'll also explore the seamless integration of technology and design principles that BIM brings to the forefront, revolutionizing the way we approach construction projects and paving the way for a more efficient and collaborative future.

Table of Contents:

The BIM Revolution: Pioneering a New Era in Architecture

Building Information Modelling (BIM) is the new game-changer in the construction industry, redefining traditional architectural planning methods. What does BIM mean for architects and how can they benefit from it?

In essence, BIM isn't just about creating 3D models; rather, it's about generating digital representations of physical spaces that help architects visualize their designs before actual construction starts.

How BIM Work Helps Architects Visualize Their Designs

Gone are the days when architects had to rely on 2D drawings for their plans which often led to misinterpretations during the building process. With BIM technology, detailed 3D models offer a realistic view of what buildings will look like once completed.

  1. This visualization aids stakeholders involved by giving them insights into how different elements interact with each other post-construction.
  2. Potential issues or clashes can be identified early through clash detection features inherent within most BIM software applications.

The Role Of Proper Architectural Planning Using BIM Services

Streamlining Architectural Design with BIM

The construction industry has witnessed a significant transformation due to the integration of Building Information Modelling (BIM). The creation and use of BIM models in architectural planning have proven to be instrumental, enhancing accuracy and streamlining the design process.

BIM: A Game-Changer for Architects

A proper understanding of how BIM work helps architects visualize their projects is crucial. By incorporating it into your project's design process, you're able to decide on core detailing steps before actual construction starts. This proactive approach reduces potential errors while boosting efficiency.

You can't overlook the role that term 'BIM' plays during decision-making processes either. It provides accurate insights into various aspects such as cost estimation or energy performance which are critical when making informed decisions about materials specification among other things.

Bridging Gaps in Communication

If there's one thing we've learned from years spent working within this sector, it's that utilizing BIM services effectively bridges communication gaps between different teams involved in a project. For instance, MEP contractors or designers can view how their work fits within an overall plan without relying solely on 2D drawings - something unheard-of until recently.

This holistic construction manager view also aids clash detection and coordination - vital components when navigating complex projects where multiple disciplines operate simultaneously.

Promoting Accuracy & Efficiency

In our experience, using architectural BIM services promotes more accurate architectural planning by creating comprehensive 3D models inclusive every detail about material used dimensions placement etc., allowing architects make precise plans whilst minimizing costly mistakes down line once actual building begins.

This level precision doesn't just save time but resources too reducing waste caused inaccuracies misinterpretations often found traditional methods like blueprints CAD designs.

With its ability to create data-driven schematic models before actual construction starts, architects and project managers can anticipate potential issues ahead of time.

A significant role that BIM plays is during clash detection and coordination - one of the core detailing steps in any large-scale project. By utilizing BIM services for this process, stakeholders involved can identify structural or design conflicts early on in the project's design process. This not only saves valuable time but also reduces costs associated with rework after construction begins.

Beyond conflict resolution though, BIM helping architects visualize their designs more effectively is another key advantage it offers. Armed with 3D BIM models at their disposal, they're able to explore different perspectives and make necessary adjustments long before ground breaks on site which leads towards accurate architectural planning - vital for achieving a project's strategic goal.

Better Risk Management through BIM

Risk management forms an integral part of managing complex architecture projects where 'BIM' again proves invaluable. Leveraging advanced features like predictive analytics, professionals can use real-time data generated by these tools for better risk assessment thereby ensuring safer working conditions once construction commences.

Fostering Sustainability Through Design Optimisation

Sustainability is increasingly becoming central to modern architectural planning as it helps decide how resources are used throughout the building lifecycle - right from initial conception till eventual demolition or renovation stages. Architectural BIM services can help achieve sustainable goals by enabling energy efficiency analysis among other things thus promoting greener practices within our built environment.

Enhancing Collaboration with BIM in Architectural Planning

Bridging the gap between architectural planning and collaboration, Building Information Modelling (BIM) has revolutionised the industry. The primary reason? It's all about collaboration and communication.

The construction industry can be fraught with misunderstandings that delay projects before actual construction starts. But when you're utilizing BIM services for accurate architectural planning, those barriers begin to crumble.

Bridging Communication Gaps

Traditional processes often leave room for miscommunication between teams. This lack of clarity slows down progress towards the project's strategic goal.

A solution lies within BIM models - visual representations that clarify each core detailing steps during design making process by providing everyone on board with clear understanding.

Fostering Teamwork through Shared Understanding

Teamwork thrives under shared understanding - something which becomes possible due to term BIM plays integral role here. By offering an environment where every team member interacts simultaneously, confusion gets eliminated ensuring common objectives are achieved faster than ever before.

This collaborative approach means it's like having your entire team looking at the same model even before construction begins enhancing productivity significantly across disciplines.

Coordinating Tasks Efficiently

No more running around chasing updates or resolving conflicts later down the line. With real-time changes reflected instantly within any part of building information modeling, tasks get coordinated efficiently from initial designs right up until the completion stage leading to smoother execution overall.

The Future of Architectural Planning: BIM and Beyond

BIM has had a major effect on the progress of construction projects, both large and small.

BIM work helps architects visualize their designs with a level of detail that was previously unattainable. The term 'BIM' plays a crucial role in every project's strategic goal before actual construction starts.

BIM as an Essential Tool for Architects

In the realm of architecture, Bim modelling process provides benefits beyond just visualization - it aids accurate architectural planning by offering data-driven schematic models which can be used to make informed decisions during design making process.

This approach not only streamlines the workflow but also increases efficiency while reducing errors - something any architect or construction manager view as invaluable assets when managing complex building projects.

Emerging Trends Shaping Bim's Future

New trends are emerging within digital engineering landscape around Building Information Modeling too. One such trend being integration with scheduling capabilities allowing stakeholders involved to plan out each phase accurately - thus ensuring smoother execution once actual construction begins.

Apart from this there's growing interest towards incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) into core detailing steps like clash detection & co-ordination among different components within design layout- leading to even more efficient workflows and reduced chances for error or delay down line.

Beyond Construction: Expanding Applications Of bim

We're now seeing applications extending beyond pre-construction stages into facility management post-construction using specific tools designed for these tasks. This ensures optimal usage throughout lifecycle phases providing all necessary information regarding maintenance schedules etc., thereby saving considerable time & resources whilst maintaining maximum operational efficiency.

This represents another way how proper use of technology can streamline processes across entire life cycle - truly showcasing potential power held by effective utilization bim services.

BIM: A Trend in Architectural Planning for Construction

Explore how BIM is trending in architectural planning, transforming the construction industry processes and boosting project efficiency. Dive in now.

BIM for Architectural Excellence

BIM is transforming the way architectural planning is carried out in construction, offering a comprehensive model that integrates physical and functional characteristics. It's not just about 3D modelling; BIM integrates information on physical and functional characteristics into one comprehensive model.

The term BIM plays an instrumental role in accurate architectural planning. Utilizing BIM services provides architects with data-driven schematic models that aid during the design making process, enhancing precision while saving time and resources.

Prioritise Pre-Construction Planning With BIM

Before actual construction starts, using BIM can provide invaluable insights into potential challenges or conflicts within your project's design process. Clash detection and co-ordination allow stakeholders involved to identify issues early before they escalate into costly problems down the line.

This preemptive measure ensures proper architectural planning as it enables architects to visualize their designs from various perspectives - aiding decision-making processes regarding any necessary changes prior to work commencement.

Leverage Strategic Goals Using Data From The Model

Beyond facilitating better designs, it aids in achieving a project's strategic goal by providing detailed insight throughout all core detailing steps of the construction process. For instance, integrated workflows provided by Building Information Modeling help deliver projects faster while reducing costs associated with rework due to errors found during construction phases - improving overall project outcomes significantly.

Foster Collaboration Among Stakeholders Through Real-Time Updates

  1. An additional advantage lies in its collaborative nature; every stakeholder from architect to contractor gets access to real-time updates regarding changes made within design plans - promoting transparency at each stage until the completion date arrives. This aligns everyone towards common goals, ensuring smoother execution of tasks without confusion or miscommunication.
  2. Involving end users also adds value as feedback received helps enhance user experience post-construction, which ultimately impacts satisfaction levels positively.
  3. Last but certainly not least: By adopting this technology-centric approach, we're preparing ourselves for future advancements like virtual reality, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, etc., thereby staying ahead of the curve and maintaining a competitive edge in the market.
Key Takeaway: 

Building Information Modelling (BIM) is shaking up the construction industry, transforming architectural planning with its data-driven approach. It's not just a tool for 3D modelling but an all-encompassing solution that boosts project efficiency, facilitates better designs and fosters collaboration among stakeholders through real-time updates. By embracing BIM, we're future-proofing ourselves in this fast-paced market.

BIM in Action: Success Stories in Architectural Planning

The following success stories highlight how BIM work helps architects visualize and implement their designs effectively, leading to improved project outcomes.

The Edge, Amsterdam: A Case Study of Sustainable Architecture

The Edge building , located at the heart of Amsterdam, is renowned as one of the most sustainable office buildings worldwide. This architectural marvel made extensive use of BIM during its development phase.

In this context, accurate architectural planning was paramount for achieving sustainability goals. Stakeholders involved had a clear view through data-driven schematic models before actual construction starts; thus identifying potential issues early on and reducing expensive modifications later into the process.

This case study illustrates that utilizing BIM services can help achieve strategic objectives with precision while enhancing efficiency throughout all stages from design making process to completion.

An Iconic Structure Built Through Advanced Architectural Planning

Another testament to advanced architectural planning using Building Information Modeling is an iconic skyscraper known globally for its unique design - Burj Khalifa. Leveraging 3D Bim models allowed effective coordination between architects, engineers and contractors which resulted in creating this engineering masterpiece beyond conventional limits.

To summarise these examples showcase transformative impacts brought about by adopting Building Information Modeling within architecture planning processes - from enhanced collaboration among teams to informed decision-making across various phases including core detailing steps prior when actual construction begins.

Embracing BIM for Architectural Planning: A Wise Investment

The world of architectural planning is experiencing a revolution, and it's all thanks to Building Information Modelling (BIM). But what makes this more than just another industry buzzword? Why should you consider investing in the BIM modelling process?

We're here to break down why adopting BIM work helps architects visualize their projects before construction begins, streamlines operations, reduces costs and mitigates risks.

Better Decision Making with Data-Driven Models

At its core, utilizing BIM services means creating detailed data-driven schematic models. These digital replicas provide stakeholders involved in your projecta€™s design process an unprecedented level of transparency into every aspect of the build.

This isn't about replacing traditional methods but enhancing them. By integrating these advanced tools into your workflow now could save considerable time , money and resources further down line - proving why term 'Bim' plays such an important role.

Saving Costs through Early Detection

If there's one thing that can derail any construction project quickly; ita€™s unexpected issues cropping up once building has commenced. With clash detection capabilities built-in as part of the core functionality within most modern-day software packages like Autodesk Revit or Navisworks Manage,, potential problems are identified early on reducing costly changes later during actual build phase . This results not only cost savings but also less stress throughout entire lifecycle too.

Fostering Collaboration Across Teams

. The beauty behind using something like this lies within how easily accessible real-time updates become across multiple locations instantly - fostering better communication between various teams involved from MEP contractors right way through till end user themselves too .

FAQs in Relation to How Bim is Trending for Architectural Planning in the Construction industry

How has BIM changed the architecture industry?

BIM has revolutionised the architectural sector by enabling more accurate design, better collaboration, and efficient project management. It allows for 3D visualisation of structures before construction begins.

What are the trends in the BIM industry?

Trends include increased use of cloud-based BIM software, integration with virtual reality (VR) for immersive design experiences, and AI-powered automation to enhance accuracy and productivity.

What is the future of BIM in architecture?

The future holds greater adoption of advanced technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), Internet of Things (IoT) within BIM processes. This will further streamline workflows and improve sustainability in architectural projects.

How does BIM contribute to the construction industry?

BIM enhances efficiency across all stages from conceptualisation to completion. It aids in reducing errors, improving cost estimation accuracy, facilitating communication among stakeholders, and promoting sustainable building practices.


Architectural planning helps decide construction projects. The BIM modeling process, with BIM data, streamlines the construction process, making it an essential trend in modern architectural planning for construction.
The transformative power of BIM in architectural planning helps decide the construction process. By harnessing BIM's capabilities, construction companies can optimize their projects and embrace a future where technology and design seamlessly intertwine, reshaping the construction landscape for the better.

BIM Outsourcing, as one of the leading BIM coordination service providers offer a range of different services from BIM modelling to installation coordination as well as clash detection services. This ensures that our clients can concentrate on their core competencies while still getting a quality service.

With the rise of digitization in the construction industry, most of us probably have come across the term BIM Objects in recent years. So what are BIM objects? and what information they contain and most importantly what standards are there? Let us delve into some of details.

What is a BIM object?

BIM Objects are the cornerstone of the BIM Process. They are produced in a data file format and include geometric and functional information of the product. In a BIM model the objects simulate the specifications and real-world behaviors in a same way as product itself.  There are two main types of BIM objects – layered and component objects. Layered objects do not have a fixed shape or size (walls, flooring, roof tiles). Component objects have fixed shape and size (a door, radiator, or window). When using BIM object by inserting it into the BIM application, the object is inserted with all its parameters and its different types. The name and use of the parameters are defined by the owner, according to their own logic. Thus, it is highly unlikely that two objects of same nature, created by two different people, have the same properties, making their use by a calculation application or a naming system impossible or quite complicated.

What do BIM objects Look like?

These objects are digital descriptions of the product of the model. Working in a BIM environment , and knowing that one of its peculiarities is building virtually, this object generally has a geometry in 3D that resembles his physical appearance . The concept LOD (Level of Detail) defines the level of detail of the representation of this object.

Likewise, the BIM model also seeks to contain information about each of the objects that make it up. These objects will contain as much information as you want. The LOI (level of information) concept defines the level of information that the object contains.

The specifications of PAS 1192-2 ( Specification for information management for the capital / delivery phase of construction projects using building information modeling ) define two components for the “level of development”:

Levels of detail of the model (LOD), related to the graphical content of the models.

Levels of information of the model (LOI), referenced to the non-graphic content of the models.

Although both concepts are generally related, it is necessary to understand that each one refers to a different type of information, therefore, we cannot limit ourselves to defining a BIM object using only one of the two concepts.

What information is included in the BIM objects?

The metadata is embedded within whilst creating 3D model by the use 3D authoring software. The typical data include the description of the object (a door), what classification category (Uniclass 2015), what material is used (wood), expected lifespan (20 years) and fire rating etc. The information can be a link from the supplier website or can be included manually in the object file.

Properties of BIM component
BIM Object details

What Standards are there?

Because of the varying needs of the designers, manufacturers, and clients for the BIM models, hence there are certain standards available which serve the needs of the construction industry. These include:  

  • The NBS BIM Object Standard helps provide minimum requirements for BIM objects. It explains what entails a good quality object for use with Level 2 BIM. It provide guidance on the right level of information, required facility management properties (COBie) and a user-friendly structured format.
  • British Standards BS 8541 which provide a range of standards for library objects for construction industry.
  • The Building SMART Industry Foundation classes Schema: the international stand for sharing and exchanging BIM data across software applications.
  • Construction Operation Building Information Exchange (COBie) is open source data format for the use of asset data. See also what is COBie


Manufacturers can no longer ignore BIM today. Making their catalog available in BIM objects that designers can use for their digital models is a definite advantage. Indeed, if the objects are selected early in the design, there is a high chance that these objects will be retained throughout the design-build process of the structure. Manufacturers already have 3D models for manufacturing their products. These should be simplified so as not to burden the designers' models. A BIM object should not contain too many details and should not be able to be used in its manufacture.

It is imperative that manufacturers are trained in BIM and have a clear vision of what BIM implies in the short and long term for their company concerning among others: the benefits, the cost, the training, the IT equipment, the software, the integration of BIM into workflows, restructuring of product data to make them compatible with BIM.

Manufacturers have a vested interest in ensuring that their BIM objects are of good quality and meet the expectations of designers.

Manufacturers can produce the BIM objects themselves, although this will increase the costs as they will have to license themselves from several vendors, and reckon with the training costs involved. Otherwise they can also mandate a specialist who can create the company's BIM content.

Challenges for product manufacturers

A Bim manufacturer will first need to know what kind of BIM object they want to create before they begin using any BIM tool. They have two options here: either make BIM objects from scratch or modify an existing BIM model so that it will be useable with Bim software such as Revit and others. The latter option would be more cost-efficient than creating a Bim object completely from scratch but this may not be possible if the Bim manufacturer is working on Bim objects of their own.

It can be a daunting task to create the BIM objects library for the product manufacturers. Providing BIM library make it more likely for products to be specified by the clients, As a result It will also put the products ahead of competitors. However there are various aspects which need to be considered i.e. file types, data management and file transfer. on the other hand updating and modifying the BIM data during the life cycle of the product is also something which needs to be addressed. Its best to consult your main clients for your objects library and understand their requirements. Ask about the software platform they use, understand their requirements and expectation from the BIM objects library.

Creating BIM Objects Library

Once you understand the requirements and decided on the products requiring BIM library, However there are different ways you can create the BIM objects. You can create it in house or search for an Outsourcing partner. For the BIM file creation there will be a requirement for the 2D drawings in paper or digital format. BIM Outsourcing can provide parametric and non-parametric family creation services for the components used in the construction industry and these BIM families can be used in different projects as required and can be modified at a later stage depending on the project requirements.

For more information on how we can help with BIM libraries for your products. You can call us on 01622 – 296277 or alternatively email us at [email protected]  

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