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Competitively priced BIM Modelling / Guaranteed quality / Fast turnaround

Exploring the BIM Object Standard for AEC Professionals

Written by BIM Outsourcing
June 6, 2023

In the rapidly evolving world of Building Information Modeling (BIM), adhering to a BIM Object Standard is crucial for ensuring seamless integration and collaboration among various stakeholders in architectural, engineering, and construction projects. This blog post delves into the intricacies of BIM objects and the importance of following established standards.

Throughout this article, we will explore how BIM objects graphically represent construction elements while containing non-graphical data essential for analysis and management. We will discuss the NBS BIM Object Standard, which provides guidelines for creating high-quality objects compatible with multiple software platforms.

Furthermore, we'll guide you through finding reliable sources of BIM objects from trusted repositories like the NBS National Library. You'll also learn about product properties contained within these objects that remain accessible throughout a project's lifecycle.

Finally, discover how embracing standardized BIM dimensions can enhance your construction projects by improving decision-making processes and fostering better collaboration among stakeholders involved in design, planning, execution phases as well as accurate cost estimation and efficient scheduling methods.

Table of Contents:

What are BIM Objects

Building Information Modeling (BIM) objects are digital representations of physical products or materials used in construction projects, containing both graphical and non-graphical information to help professionals visualize, analyze, and manage building components throughout the project lifecycle.

Visualize construction elements in 3D

BIM objects provide a detailed 3D visualization of construction elements, helping architects and engineers design more efficiently by identifying potential clashes or issues early in the process. 

Non-graphical data for informed decisions

BIM objects store valuable non-graphical data related to product properties, allowing professionals to make informed decisions based on accurate real-time data.

Standardized file formats for seamless integration

Standardized file formats for seamless integration of BIM Objects facilitate efficient collaboration and exchange of digital building components across different software platforms, empowering architects, engineers, and contractors to streamline their workflows, improve project coordination, and achieve greater accuracy and consistency in building design and construction processes.

  • Industry Foundation Classes (IFC): An international standard developed by buildingSMART that ensures interoperability between different software platforms used within architectural, engineering, and construction industries.
  • Revit Family Files (RFA): A proprietary file format used by Autodesk Revit, a popular BIM software.

Incorporating standardized BIM objects into construction projects can lead to significant improvements in efficiency, accuracy, and overall quality of work.

Learn more about IFC and RFA files to promote better collaboration among project stakeholders.

NBS BIM Object Standard

The NBS BIM Object Standard, published in 2014, provides guidelines for creating high-quality BIM objects that adhere to best practices and ensure compatibility with various software platforms.

Creation Guidelines for High-Quality BIM Objects

The NBS BIM Object Standard outlines specific requirements for creating reliable and accurate digital representations of building products or materials, including defining geometry, assigning appropriate classification systems, providing relevant metadata, specifying parametric rules, incorporating product data templates, and using Industry Foundation Classes properties where applicable.

By following these standards, professionals can create consistent BIM objects that enhance collaboration among stakeholders.

BIM objects are digital representations of physical products or materials used in construction projects.

Compatibility with Multiple Software Platforms

The NBS BIM Object Standard recommends adopting open file formats like IFC to achieve interoperability between different software applications used within the architectural, engineering, and construction industries.

This ensures all team members have access to up-to-date project data regardless of their preferred tools and reduces potential conflicts arising from incompatible files.

The Open BIM Object Standard revolutionized the architecture and construction industry by providing a unified framework for exchanging digital building components, fostering collaboration, and ensuring seamless integration across various BIM software platforms.

Autodesk Revit, Bentley Systems MicroStation, and Graphisoft ArchiCAD are examples of software platforms that support IFC.

Minimizing Errors Through Standardization

BIM Objects, through standardization, play a vital role in minimizing errors by:

  • Error Reduction: Adhering to established standards minimizes inconsistencies in object properties, reducing the likelihood of errors during project execution.
  • Improved Collaboration: Standardized BIM objects facilitate better communication among stakeholders by ensuring everyone is working with the same data and information.
  • Easier Maintenance: By using standardized objects, it becomes simpler to update or modify them in response to changing project requirements or industry advancements.

Incorporating the NBS BIM Object Standard into your workflow not only enhances collaboration but also contributes towards achieving a more efficient and cost-effective construction process.

By leveraging these guidelines, you can create high-quality digital representations that accurately reflect physical products and materials while minimizing potential risks associated with inconsistencies or inaccuracies.

Key Takeaway: 

The NBS BIM Object Standard provides guidelines for creating high-quality BIM objects that adhere to best practices and ensure compatibility with various software platforms. By following these standards, professionals can create consistent BIM objects that enhance collaboration among stakeholders while minimizing potential risks associated with inconsistencies or inaccuracies. Adhering to established standards minimizes inconsistencies in object properties, reducing the likelihood of errors during project execution.

Finding Reliable Sources of BIM Objects

As a pro in the AEC industry, you know the importance of using high-quality Building Information Modeling (BIM) objects for your projects.

But with so many sources offering pre-made or customizable BIM objects online, it can be tough to determine which ones meet industry standards.

So, let's explore some trusted repositories like the NBS National Library and discuss the benefits of using standardized libraries.

Trusted Repositories like the NBS National Library

The NBS National Library is an excellent resource where you can find reliable manufacturer-specific or generic items authored according to established standards such as the NBS BIM Object Standard.

By choosing from their extensive collection of objects that have been carefully vetted by experts in the field, you can reduce risks associated with incorrect object specifications leading to potential substitutions during construction phases.

Manufacturer-Specific vs Generic Options

Manufacturer-specific items provide accurate representations & detailed information about specific products available on the market, while generic alternatives offer flexibility when exact product details aren't yet determined.

Depending on project requirements, either option may prove more suitable - but always ensure chosen objects adhere closely enough established standards so they integrate seamlessly into the overall design process.

Reducing Risks by Using Standardized Libraries

  • Error minimization: Adhering to standardized guidelines reduces errors caused by inconsistencies in object properties, leading to more accurate project outcomes.
  • Improved collaboration: Using standardized BIM objects ensures compatibility with various software platforms, allowing stakeholders to collaborate effectively throughout the project lifecycle.
  • Streamlined workflows: By adopting a uniform approach to BIM object creation and management, you can optimize your team's workflow and minimize time spent troubleshooting issues related to non-standardized objects.

Incorporating reliable sources of BIM objects into your projects is crucial for achieving high-quality results.

By utilizing trusted repositories like the NBS National Library and adhering closely enough established standards, you'll ensure seamless integration & improved collaboration among all parties involved - ultimately leading towards successful completion every construction endeavor.

Key Takeaway: 

To ensure high-quality BIM modelling, it's important to use reliable sources of BIM objects that adhere to established standards like the NBS BIM Object Standard. The NBS National Library is a trusted repository where you can find manufacturer-specific or generic items vetted by experts in the field, reducing risks associated with incorrect object specifications and improving collaboration among stakeholders. By adopting a uniform approach to BIM object creation and management, teams can streamline workflows and minimize errors for successful project completion.

Data Contained Within BIM Objects

Understanding BIM objects means knowing the data they contain, including product properties, performance characteristics, maintenance requirements, warranty details, and more.

Product Properties and Performance Characteristics

BIM objects provide essential information about building components, such as dimensions, weight, and material composition, as well as performance-related aspects like thermal conductivity and acoustic insulation values.

Maintenance Requirements and Warranty Information

BIM objects store detailed instructions on how to properly maintain each component, along with any associated warranties provided by manufacturers, helping facility managers make informed decisions about future upkeep costs and potential replacements.

Accessible Data Throughout the Project Lifecycle

  • Design Phase: Architects and engineers use BIM object data for accurate spatial planning, ensuring proper integration between different systems while adhering to relevant codes and regulations.
  • Construction Phase: Contractors rely on BIM object information for accurate material ordering, scheduling, and cost estimation purposes, preventing delays or budget overruns caused by unexpected changes during construction.
  • Operation and Maintenance Phase: Facility managers access BIM object data to plan routine maintenance tasks, track warranty expiration dates, and make informed decisions about potential upgrades or replacements, resulting in a more efficient use of resources and reduced operational costs.

Incorporating standardized BIM objects into your project streamlines workflows, enhances collaboration among stakeholders, and minimizes errors throughout the entire process, leading to improved decision-making, better communication, accurate cost estimation, efficient scheduling, and effective facility management.

Revolutionize Your Construction Projects with BIM Dimensions

By incorporating various BIM dimensions, such as 3D (spatial), 4D (time), 5D (cost), and even up to 7D (facility management), you can gain a deeper understanding of your construction project and make better decisions.

Make Informed Decisions with Multi-Dimensional Data

Using a 4D BIM model that includes time-based information alongside the spatial data in a 3D model can help identify potential conflicts or delays before they occur, leading to smoother workflows and fewer surprises during the actual build process.

Collaborate Better with Stakeholders

With 5D BIM models, you can incorporate cost-related information directly into your design, providing everyone with consistent insights into budgetary constraints and opportunities for value engineering.

  • Spatial: Visualize building components within space, enabling better design decisions.
  • Time: Integrate construction schedules and milestones for efficient project management.
  • Cost: Incorporate cost-related information to optimize budgeting and resource allocation.

Estimate Costs Accurately and Schedule Efficiently

By including 5D BIM data, such as material costs, labor rates, and equipment expenses, you can make more accurate cost estimations and identify potential bottlenecks or inefficiencies in advance, reducing costly delays and ensuring timely completion of your construction project.

Utilizing BIM dimensions provides valuable insights that can enhance every aspect of your construction project, from initial concept development through ongoing facility management. By leveraging this rich dataset at each stage of the process, you'll enjoy smoother workflows and better outcomes for all stakeholders involved.

FAQs in Relation to Bim Object Standard

What is the BIM object standard?

The BIM object standard is a set of guidelines for creating, managing, and sharing Building Information Modeling (BIM) objects that ensure consistency, interoperability, and quality across various software platforms.

Why is a BIM standard needed?

A BIM standard promotes collaboration, minimizes errors, and leads to improved decision-making, accurate cost estimation, efficient scheduling, and better project outcomes. THIS open bim object standard. 

What are the latest BIM standards?

The latest global BIM standards include ISO 19650 series and LOD Specification, which provide principles for information management during design, construction, and asset management phases, as well as guidance on model element detail levels.

What is the NBS BIM toolkit?

The NBS BIM Toolkit is a comprehensive online resource that provides guidance, templates, and tools for implementing BIM in construction projects, including the NBS BIM Object Standard and other resources like classification systems and project planning tools.

What is a BIM content developer?

BIM content developers serve as the driving force behind the creation and optimization of BIM Objects, meticulously crafting these digital representations of building components to ensure their accuracy, functionality, and compatibility with various BIM software platforms, enabling seamless integration and enhancing the overall efficiency and effectiveness of building design and construction processes.


Understanding the BIM Object Standard is crucial for AEC professionals to minimize errors and enhance collaboration.

Utilizing standardized file formats and creation guidelines can reduce risks and improve project outcomes.

Trusted repositories like the NBS National Library provide reliable sources of BIM objects.

BIM Objects contain important data accessible throughout the project lifecycle, enabling accurate cost estimation and efficient scheduling.

Implementing the BIM Object Standard enhances construction projects by improving analysis capabilities and minimizing risk.

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